
About Yonsei HEP-COSMO

Welcome to the Yonsei High-Energy Physics and Cosmology (HEP-COSMO) group, a leading research lab at Yonsei University. Our team is dedicated to exploring the frontiers of particle physics and cosmology. Here, we delve into some of the most fundamental questions about the universe's building blocks and its expansive history.

Research Areas

Dark Matter Theory

We seek to understand the nature of dark matter, which remains one of the most profound mysteries in physics. Our research focuses on:

  • Model Building: Crafting theoretical models to explain and predict dark matter properties.
  • Dark Radiation: Investigating the interactions between dark matter and radiation.
  • Detections: Developing methods for the direct and indirect detection of dark matter particles.

Cosmological Inflation

Our cosmology team studies the rapid expansion of space in the early universe known as inflation, covering areas such as:

  • Model Building: Constructing inflationary models that align with the latest observational data.
  • Early Universe Phenomenology: Exploring the phenomena that shaped the nascent universe.
  • Gravitational Waves and Black Holes: Researching the primordial gravitational waves and the formation of black holes in the early universe.

Collider Physics

We are actively involved in collider-based research with a focus on:

  • LHC Phenomenology: Analyzing data from the Large Hadron Collider to test the predictions of theoretical physics.
  • Future Collider Phenomenology: Preparing for the next generation of colliders and their potential discoveries.
  • Effective Theory Approach: Applying effective field theories to understand physics beyond the capabilities of current colliders.
  • Machine Learning and Data Analysis: Leveraging advanced computational techniques to sift through and interpret complex data sets.

Beyond the Standard Model

Our researchers work on theories that extend the framework of the Standard Model of particle physics:

  • Hierarchy Problems: Addressing the fine-tuning problems that arise within the Standard Model.
  • Flavor Hierarchy and Neutrino Physics: Studying the mass and mixing patterns of neutrinos to shed light on flavor physics.
  • Grand Unification: Seeking a unified theory that integrates all the fundamental interactions of nature.

Join Us

At Yonsei HEP-COSMO, we are constantly on the lookout for passionate individuals to join our quest. Whether you're a prospective student, postdoctoral researcher, or visiting scientist, we offer a vibrant research environment that fosters innovation and collaboration. Together, let's unravel the mysteries of the cosmos!